These last few weeks we have been seeing a few problems that are specific to the warmer months. Two of the more important ones to be aware of include snake bites and grass seeds:
Snake bites are common at this time of year due mainly to the increased activity of these reptiles. Snake bites can occur when walking your dog in areas where snakes live such as long grass, sand dunes and around rivers but many snake bites happen at home. To keep snakes away from your property it is important to eliminate the hiding spaces that attract snakes.
If you think your pet may have been bitten by a snake it is important to act quickly! We will put your pet on intravenous fluids and administer anti-venom. Signs of snake bite include lethargy, loss of coordination, salivation (drooling) and difficulty breathing.
Grass seeds – they might seem harmless but due to their sharp ends and burred edges they can embed themselves into your pet’s skin and travel under the skin causing inflammation and infection! Ears, noses and eyes are also commonly affected by grass seeds.
Avoid grass seeds by keeping your pet groomed shorter in the warmer months- especially their paws- to avoid the seeds becoming stuck in their coat. Check your pet’s coat, ears and in between their toes daily to remove grass seeds before they become embedded in the skin. Do not let your pet play in areas of long, dried grass or weeds.