August is Dental Month

August is Dental Month. It is our annual opportunity to remind our clients of the importance of maintaining the health of your pet’s teeth and mouth. We often overlook this part of their body because it can be difficult to see but there are usually tell-tale signs to look out for.

There’s no doubt about it, dental disease in our pets really stinks! It is one of the most common problems we see in veterinary practice and not only is it painful for your pet, the increased bacteria in the mouth can be associated with other conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and liver disease. As many as eight in ten pets have dental disease!

Watch out for:

  • Smelly breath
  • Drooling or dropping food from the mouth
  • A loss of appetite or weight loss


What causes dental disease?

A lack of chewing sinew and muscle (such as pets would develop catching food in the wild) allows plaque and tartar to build up around the teeth. Loads of cheeky bacteria appear and this leads to inflammation and eventual loss of the attachments that hold the teeth in place.

What’s the best treatment?

Dogs and cats with dental disease need a general anaesthetic to assess the teeth and clean thoroughly under the gum line. Teeth that are severely diseased and potentially painful are generally removed and this helps to prevent problems in the future.

Prevention is the key

Wet and soft food diets are notorious for allowing plaque and tartar to accumulate. It is vital that your pet is on a premium quality diet that helps to clean their teeth as they chew. Speak to us to find out the most appropriate diet for your pet.

Call us to arrange a dental check for your pet today.